A few weeks ago we were talking about the purses and how I've probably got enough and next year he could start a new gift trend.
The one item we both thought would be kind of fun was cowboy boots.
So just so we're straight: a couple weeks ago Paul decided that next year for my birthday he'd buy me a pair of cowboy boots. And yes, he's pretty much that organized thinking so far ahead about gifts. He's fantastic.

I took the boys out to some yard sales and one of the homes we stopped at was selling these gorgeous boots.
They still had a $90 price tag on them. I asked the lady what she was selling them for and she said $20.
When she saw me put them down she said "well, I will take $10 for them."
When she saw me walking back to my car she said "Ma'am, would you like to make me an offer for the boots?"
I told her I'd pay $5 and she said that was fine, I could have them for $5.

My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
Psalm 63:3&4