Judah wants new hardwood floors? He can put them in himself.
Just kidding on that :)
But real examples would be when Judah finishes with something (a cup, a toy, a crayon) he generally brings it to me and says "I don't want it."
It would be easy to take it from him and put it away, but I don't.
I ask him what the proper way to say that is, and he says "No thank you." And then I ask him what would I do with the item, and he then runs dishes to the sink or crayons to the table.
We go over situations like this a dozen times a day, and he is slowly but surely learning to clean up the items himself.
This is a good one!
They don't grow out of btw :) My 8 and 6 yr olds still ask me to help them shower. Every once in awhile I'll help them, but I try to stick to my guns. Don't do for them what they can do for themselves. As a rule any - there's always a time for exceptions!
Helen and I go through the exact same conversation multiple times a day. I cave in every once in a while but not often. She really can do things for herself most of the time!
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