Picking me weeds.
Clearing his dishes and spilling food along the way.
Pulling all the diapers out of the box while trying to get me *one* diaper.
Coloring me pictures on documents I need.
Those are just a few examples.
There is a true joy that he has when he thinks he has done something to please me and I cherish his boy-ish love and enthusiasm.
It would be easy to get frustrated with the extra mess he makes, but he has such an eager spirit to serve and I think any frustration or negative response on my behalf would discourage him from trying to help.
It could be easy to overlook the weeds he picks me - but he doesn't look at the weeds as weeds. To him they are as beautiful as any expensive bouquet Paul might bring me home. (And honestly?! They do the same melt-my-heart-thing that Paul's flowers do too!)
Sometimes, while going through the same day-to-day activities, it is easy to overlook the little things Judah does in an attempt to help or be sweet- and not just overlook them, but see them as more work and frustrating.
It's been on my heart a lot more lately about being encouraging to my children.
Purposely, each day, encouraging them.
"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another..."
1 Thess 5:11
Beautiful, Jess, absolutely beautiful. You understand mommyhood so well. Enjoy, cherish, delight and be thankful. BTW, I know we are not to envy, but I envy your boot find...really really bad! lol
Thank you so much for this reminder! I have seen my words crush my daughter's spirit and I so don't want to do that. I've noticed this especially as we've been attempting the potty training thing lately...she is trying so hard but sometimes it is hard to remember that she's not wearing a diaper! Sometimes my frustration gets the best of me when an accident happens. I need to remind her that she is so much more important to me than the messes she makes or whatever.
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