Picture from '05 in our first apartment.
There aren't many things that Paul and I totally disagree on, but one of the things we do disagree on is our Facebook Friends. Or, more accurately, who should be our FB friends. I routinely delete people on FB that I haven't talked to or that haven't talked to me. Paul has never deleted a FB friend. And I think he's truly horrified that I delete people. I don't mean to offend people, I'm just not interested in collecting as many friends as possible, and if 'Friend X' and I don't chat, comment on each others status or pictures or have any communication at all - well, I have no issues with deleting the person from my list of friends.
Does that make me horrible? Do you delete people from your FB list?
(The correct answers would be "no" and then "yes"!!)
Does that make me horrible? Do you delete people from your FB list?
(The correct answers would be "no" and then "yes"!!)
I've deleted over 80 people. If I don't talk to them and they don't talk to me they go byebye. I don't see the point in keeping friends that don't communicate with me. I've emailed people to chat and they didn't email me back after a few emails so I deleted them. Months down the road they realized I deleted them and added me again :-/ Just to not talk to me again or say hi back. So I deleted them again! They tried adding me again a few weeks later, but I refused to add them again :P I've had people email me acting upset too asking why I deleted them... it's kind of annoying really.
Lorne has deleted most of his FB friends too.
No, it doesn’t make you horrible. Yes, I delete people. I’ve only been on FB for like 3 weeks and I’ve deleted 2 people. I also ignore friend requests from people I don’t know who just “friend” me because they know someone I know (whew, that’s a lot of knowing LOL).
By the way, I followed a link to your blog from another blog. I can’t even remember whose because I don’t read it anymore. You take wonderful pictures, I fancy myself an amateur photographer, so I really appreciate good photography.
I delete FB friends from time to time. More often, though, I just hide their updates. That way I don't see every thing they post...this is especially true for my friends that are way in to games or other things that just clog up my newsfeed.
I did have one "friend", actually a former classmate, who kept offending me with his comments so I just deleted him. It just isn't worth it!
i do it all the time and my husband always tells me not to! haha
I go through my facebook list of friends monthly and delete the people that I barely know or have no contact with. It keeps everything less cluttered, so I side with you :-)
No, you're not awful, and yes, I do it, too. I have some pictures in my FB account (namely my barebelly prego pics) that I don't want every Joe Schmoe I've ever met to see, so if I'm not legitimately "friends" with someone in real life, I'm not "friends" with them on FB. Period. My ex-bf keeps trying to get me to be his friend, and I'm like, "Don't think so. Wouldn't show you my belly in person, so you're not seeing it online. Thankyouverymuch." I have people from high school, too, who I've never spoken to in person trying to get to be my friend, and I'm like, "Um......why?"
To summarize (and repeat), you're not awful. You're normal - or at least a normal woman, from what I can tell from the other comments here.
I must admit after reading this, I went directly to FB to see if I was still your friend. *whew*
I don't think you ever accepted my friend request, but I'm not offended.
I've deleted a few that have made offensive posts, or just creep me out.
After reading your blog I went on my first deleting spree-and I think there'll be more to come! I have a 2 time meeting rule for adding people, but I have trouble saying no to people I know from high school.
Wish I could be as choosy as my husband is!
I'm all about deleting! I don't see a purpose in having a million friends. What sounds bad is what I say, "just because we go to church togethere doesn't mean we need to be facebook friends". Now that offends some people!!
I only add people that I feel I know or know me, so I don't feel the need to go through and weed people out.
But I have deleted three people recently who get on my nerves.
It depends on if you deleted me. :)
This post makes me feel better. I actually deleted people a while back who I thought were closer friends but never acknowledged anything that was going on with me...for example that my dad had just had a heart attack or when our adopted daughter turned one...but I noticed they posted on other people's petty comments or pictures ALL the time....so to stop my feelings from getting hurt I deleted them. And I think that was for the best. :) It feels good to admit this to someone...ha!
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