
Love Language

Last week a friend of mine told me that she had sat down separately with her daughter and son and asked them this question "How do you know your sibling loves you?"

Her daughter had a specific answer about what her brother did that made her know he loves her - things like hugging her and spending time with her. Her answers let her mother glean a little bit of insight to how she feels love - physical touch and quality time.

When she asked her son, who is 4, his response wasn't quite so insightful. He said something along the lines of "Because I JUST KNOW she does."

My boys are too young for that question to lead anywhere, but I loved her idea of using that question to dig deeper into the thoughts of her children as to how they saw love.

The other night I overheard Judah tell Wesley "Mommy is SO fun Wezzy." It melted my heart to hear him, from out of the blue, make that comment. But beyond him giving me the warm fuzzies it gave me a bit of insight into his thoughts: to him the best thing about me that he wanted to share with his baby brother was that I am fun. My son likes me being fun.

It is both encouraging and convicting.


Empty Nest Full Life said...

You have made the best choice to home with the boys, and that is something they will never forget. I have always felt that I needed to be available and supportive of mine, even as they have grown older. That is something Judah and Wesley will treasure, knowing that Mom wasn't too busy for them, and to them, that equates fun. Have a wonderful week! Jackie

Jessica The Rock Chick said...

Beautiful post, Jessica!!! You brought tear to my eyes! Good ones, of course.

Jessica The Rock Chick said...

Hey Jessica!~ I gave you a blog award :) It's up on my site.

Nicole said...

You inspire me to be a better mother

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