
Disc Golf and Mens Birthday gifts

Paul's birthday falls a couple weeks after Christmas which makes the challenge of finding him nice gifts extremely hard - he's tough enough to buy for just one occasion, but two occasions back to back? It really has been a challenge for me to think up gifts he would really enjoy. 

For his birthday this year I bought Paul the basic discs for Disc Golf - he had done it once before and really enjoyed it and I thought it would be fun for him to have his own set and maybe it was something we could get into doing together. A friend picked out the right discs for me and the boys and I gave them to him as part of his birthday gift. Paul loved them... and now I have 11 months to think up his next round of gifts!

Living in the South Disc Golf is a great sport to play as you can play year round - wind and rain are really the only reasons to not play. We live about 5 minutes from a really nice park that has the disc golf course and a couple weeks ago the 4 of us and a friend headed out to play. 

I quickly realized disc golf wasn't an activity I could ever really get into. Throwing a Frisbee isn't a skill I have ever acquired and in this game that skill is kind of the point of the game. Judah and Wesley lacked the skills too.
Wesley turned his disc into a hat. 

Judah was happy to just chase it. 
Paul, however, enjoyed it. 
And got better at it than his first game.
And I enjoyed lagging behind and taking pictures. 

 Like of this little pond. Isn't it gorgeous? The park where the disc golf course was set up was gorgeous. I'd totally learn to play just as an excuse to walk the course again - but I have a camera, and that is a good enough excuse for me to walk it again!  

If you want to try this gift for your husband, brother, father or mailman it cost about $25 for the first three discs - which is what is recommended as the minimum for playing- and they should be available at your local sports store.


Claire said...

Lovely pics! And I am so with you on the unable-to-frisbee thing too!


Bethany said...

That pond looks more like a swamp to me...

Wesley is getting so big! He's not a baby anymore, is he? I think kids grow up too fast.

Good work on the birthday gift idea. I am sooo bad at getting Adam anything good.

Jessica said...

That's a great gift idea! I have a similar dilemma when it comes to shopping for Scott - his birthday falls about a month before Christmas, so I, too, have to come up with a lot of good ideas all at one time. If I think of something in March or April, I write it down and hope he hasn't gotten it for himself before I have a chance to get it for him. I'm rarely that lucky.

And the frisbee handicap? Yeah....me, too.

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