Paul is the coolest person ever. I *heart* him.
I also share his secrets.
He left last night for the week, and when I got up this morning I discovered an envelope for me to open for each day he's gone. I love little presents and cards :)
I excitedly opened Monday's card and he shared a confession - and $5. He said that he's addicted to the Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches sold at the Circle K around the corner from us. I *never* knew that. But now I do, and he wanted to share the joy of them with me, hence the $5 bill.
Judah shares his daddies love for them. I enjoyed it, but I certainly didn't scream and throw a fit when it was all done *ahem, Judah.*
I'd planned on buying it, driving to the park and enjoying it there and playing... but the day slipped by, and it was almost Judah's bedtime when I drove over and picked it up. We sat in the backseat of the car and enjoyed it together.
Here we are sharing it together:
In Paul's absence I am working on a secret project. I am so excited about it, and wish I could share. But Paul reads this, and then he would know, and then it wouldn't be a secret!!
How sweet!
And cute pictures. :)
I love my little Boy! and my little lady:-) even if she does share my secrets...
Yay for the good news from the dr. visits! Can't wait to see the project!
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