Inspired by The Nester's exchange she hosted last year I decided to host one in my home for the girls from church. I put the invitation on Facebook and emailed it to those who aren't on FB.
Each girl was told to bring 3 items that she no longer used to be traded for 3 new items for herself.
There were 7 of us total and while it was a bit smaller than I'd anticipated it was a nice group and we had a great time together.
I completely forgot to take pictures of any of the people, but here are some of the details:
I pulled out my beautiful teacups that I have collected from various ladies in my life.
My sister made cheesecake.
Incredible cheesecake.
Good enough to break my diet for cheesecake.
And she's going to add the recipe to her blog soon.
So watch for it- because it's incredible.
Center piece.
Fresh from the garden.
I love that we have flowers in February.
A little side track question - Is there a trick to cutting flowers off bushes? I constantly pick the flowers and am starting to wonder if there is a right or wrong way to do it? I do want them to grow back again next year.
Some of the items set out on the table - we had jewelry, a day planner, scarves, purses, hats and hair accessories.
To chose the items we did three rounds - at the beginning of each round we all picked a number from 1-7 out of a hat and that was then the order of who went in to look at the items set out on the table. The system worked well and everyone ended up with new items to accessorize themselves!
I am going to try this again in the next couple months with the ladies from church and home items, but this would work really well with so many different "themes" - children's books, gift items, games and movies, toys, kitchen items - the ideas are really endless!