
Skype is cool

Seriously WHY didn't I try using skype earlier?? I knew what it did, but didn't know a whole lot about what it was until this weekend. Uncle Frank and Aunt Polly were very excited about it, and Uncle Frank even went out and bought us a head set (thanks!!) I am now hooked. It is so cool!! I spent an hour yesterday talking to my uncle and cousins in Nigeria, and a little bit of time talking to another cousin in North Carolina.
For $29.99 a year I can use it to call home phones of anyone in Canada or the US. I don't think I will use it to talk to anyone in the USA since we have cell phones and have an abundance of minutes, but it would be worth the $30 to call Canada!! Sure beats the sixty cents a minute we are currently being charged! (Which would explain why I don't call anyone in Canada ...)
And of course it is free to any other skype users.

I am excited because this means Judah's great-grandpa and grandma in Nigeria will be able to hear him talking once the little dude starts babbling - and he will be able to hear them!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Woo Hoo! Thats cool! Now you are gonna be on the phone all the time! HEHE!! Judah is getting so big! He is sooo cute!

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