Having friends and family that totally forget your birthday (or that are in a thirld world country with an unrealiable mail system) is kind of a cool thing... because even though they forgot your birthday on the day of your birthday, they 1) grovel at your feet apologizing about having forgotten (Heather!!!) and 2) help prolong the birthday celebrations by sending the card/and or gift LATER!!! I am a sucker for anything that comes through the mail... so fun!!! =) (and I did get your card Aunt Polly - thank you =) Today was a very exciting day for me. Granted, it doesn't take much to make my day exciting... I was at the market today and was talking with one of the men selling some veggies. I asked him where he was from - and it turns out he was from Nigeria!!! How cool, eh?! I was so excited!! I had never been to his city, but he knew the village that I had spent the year at, and it was just so cool to chat with him about it. He told me about this store that sells Nigerian food, so I stopped at it to check it out. I'll have to wait till Angie comes to visit and can cook it for me... or make friends with some Nigerians around here that could make it for me =)
It has been awhile since I updated on here. Our internet at our apartment has been giving us problems, and the part we ordered a week ago still hasn't come, so we have been having to hang out at the library to get online. Not so fun. Lots of things have been going on: Mum has been in Nigeria for almost a whole month now. Lucky her!!! I am quite jealous!!! New neighbors moved onto our floor and they are so much fun!!! Rob and Ashleigh are a little older than us, they love games too, and we've done suppers and games together, and tomorrow I am going to the flea market with them =) The Ladies Time Apart was at our apartment and Anita turned in into a surprise party for me!! How cool is she?? =) I had my birthday and Paul is the most awesome present buyer =) He's decided every year he's going to buy me a nice purse, so I can keep adding to my collection =) Hurray for husbands who understand addictions!!! He also got me: Spiderman 1 & 2, a book, Victoria secrets 'pretty in pink' body spray, lotion and shower gel (I love this stuff!! Heather bought me a bottle of the lotion over five years ago and I still have some of it - I couldn't bring myself to use it all!!), three belly rings (there's a confession to anyone out there who doesn't know I pierced my belly button in Nigeria... Angie's influence) and a hand held electronic Suduko puzzle. He even had everything all wrapped up nicely!! =) I had a wisdom tooth removed and two fillings put in - the first dental work I have ever had. The frozen mouth feeling was actually pretty cool =) I am a dork, I know!!! I have lots of pictures to put on here, but will have to wait till I can do that from our apartment!!!