So how pathetic am I? My darling left today for a men's retreat in West Virgina and I am missing him SO much and moping around. It's two in the morning and I can't sleep. I miss him. I can't wait till he gets home later today.
I did have an enjoyable evening, though that empty, lonely, longing feeling was there throughout it. I went over to Nathan's and Anita's (directly across the hall!) and played airplane and spit wars with my one year old nephew. I had pizza and coke there. It was lots of fun.
Then I came back to our place and watched girly love movies and worked on my scrapbook till I was sick of looking at it. I can't say that I am enjoying this "break" from Paul because it gives me the chance to watch girly movies - because he happily and willingly will watch them with me. (But shh! Please don't tease him about it, I don't want it to stop!!) Watching mushy romance movies WITH a mushy romantic man is absolutely wonderful!! =)
Five weeks and it is Christmas eve. Isn't that crazy?! I am so excited!! What do ya'll do for Christmas? Any special and unique traditions?
Episode 9: Colombia Records
5 years ago
Hope you both had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Christmas traditions? Well, there's cookie baking, and chocolate advent calendars, and...I'm thinking. *laugh* This year we are starting to use the devotional for the Jesse Tree and I'd like to get an Advent wreath. Both are traditions from my childhood that I would like to continue with my children. I think they are meaningful and give us a focus that is more appropriate than the mainstream focus of overwhelming consumerism. *laugh* I'm still not focusing my own thoughts well...I think I need more cold meds. *sniff*
Oh, Christmas trees!! We spend an evening as a family settingup and decorating the Christmas tree and listening to carols and drinking eggnogg. *yum* There may be something else, but at the moment I can't think of any. *smile*
What movies did you watch? I love to watch You've Got Mail, The Wedding Planner, Sense and Sensibility, While You Were Sleeping, Pride and Prejudice, Two Weeks Notice, and I am sure there are a couple more stashed in my room to watch at night when Noel is gone late to a Bible study or over nite on a long trip. I love to add to my stash. I also watch when I get behind with folding and putting away laundry - helps the work go faster. *grin* Hope you post some titles.
The Christmas season is exciting!!
So paul is a girly movie watcher aye? MWAAAHAAAHAAAAA!
wow wow wow wow wow!!! hold on! whats this about me and girly movies!!.......
oh shoot... remind me to remove that "sensitive guy" profile picture next time I post about not being a girly movie watcher...
DO NOT FIGHT..........
if only your mother knew.
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