Christy has inspired me... a list of great movies - great being defined by *me* - no room for rude comments from Paul or Noel!
Girly movies:
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Senseability
Jane Eyre
Gone with the Wind
While you were Sleeping
Princess Diaries
The Importance of Being Ernest
The Prince and Me
Anne of Green Gables
Little Women
Ever After
My Fair Lady
Cinderella Story
Return to Me
Seasons of the Heart
Fun Movies:
Herby Fully Loaded
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chitty, Chitty Bang, Bang
Princess Bride
Cheaper by the Dozen
Yours, Mine and Ours (the old one)
Father Goose
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad world
Ice Age
What's Up Doc?
Finding Nemo
Freaky Friday
The Wizard of Oz
Five Children and It
Series of Unfortunate Events
Other movies:
Fiddler on the Roof
Sound of Music
Batman Begins
Indianna Jones
The Great Escape
The Notebook
Finding Neverland
The Man who would be King
Pirates of the Carreabean
The Jacket
Anna and the King (or The King and I)
National Treasure
Jack and the Beanstock (The Jim Hensen version)
The Ghost and the DarknesS
Hotel Rwanda
The Hiding Place
The Inn of Sixth Happiness
Four Feathers
Sarah Plain and Tall
Little Lord Fauntlaroy (I butchered the spelling of that name.)
Paul's movies: (I have not watched these)
The Matrix
War of the Worlds
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Fight Club
Interview with a Vampire
Episode 9: Colombia Records
5 years ago